Can A Straight Smile Improve Your Career?
Being successful in your career requires more than a neatly-cut suit or an attractive outfit. An impressive educational certification or even a portfolio of impressive skills. Invisalign Cardiff Teeth which are aligned properly will do more to improve your professional career than…
A Mouthguard For Braces
If you’re considering braces, or have already been fitted with their teeth, you should wear an appropriate mouthguard during the nighttime due to the increased likelihood of grinding your teeth or clenching during sleep. Braces can cause teeth to become more…
What To Do If Your Child Swallows Toothpaste
Children learn to care for themselves and learn new habits we overlook. Helping your child learn the skill of brushing their teeth can be challenging–especially when they mistake toothpaste for food. In the event that your child has been eating Boka ela…
Retainers Vs. Aligners – What’s The Difference.
Retainers Vs. Aligners – What’s The Difference And Can An Aligner Be Used As A Retainer? Have you found that your teeth have shifted a bit after completing braces or aligner treatment? If so, you are not alone. In fact, a…