How to Get Your Boyfriend to Appreciate You! Here Are the Steps Every Woman Must Follow Right Away
If your boyfriend is too shy or insensitive towards you then he might not be able to speak up or appreciate the efforts that you have put in the relationship.
Here are some cool tips that will get your boyfriend to appreciate you for life.
Appreciate him first. In order to get appreciation, you will also need to show some appreciation first. You can praise your boyfriend’s new haircut or clothes and watch him slowly respond to your praise by appreciating you too.
Make him miss you. If he has started to take you for granted then it is time to burst that bubble. You too can enjoy yourself by going out a few times with your girl friends. Allow your boyfriend to miss your presence and make him live without you around for a few hours to knock some appreciation into his head.
Let him realize that you care for him. Instead of silently providing undying love to him, let him realize through carefully selected words that you care for him and that he needs to appreciate your efforts by words and actions.
This will goad your ignorant or insensitive boyfriend into action as he will feel that he might lose you forever if he does not get his act together.
Surprise him occasionally. You should surprise your boyfriend occasionally by buying tickets for his favorite game and allowing him to go with his buddies or by organizing a candle-light dinner followed by a walk on the beach only for the two of you.
Your boyfriend will surely love you for this and show his appreciation in more ways than one.
Make visible changes. Exercise your body, get that hip haircut and get that skin scrubbed and polished for a well-groomed look. Guys are visual creatures and once he realizes the effort that you have taken to get preened for him then he is sure to appreciate your new looks, clothes and hair style.
Let him watch others appreciate you. Nothing will get your boyfriend’s goat more than him watching others, especially guys appreciate you for your looks, attitude or caring nature. This will force your boyfriend to pull up his socks and appreciate you more so as to keep other wolves at bay.
Let him loose, for a little while. If your boyfriend is too dumb or insensitive to understand your needs then let him loose for a little while. Tell him that you need a short break since you are tired of his uncaring attitude towards you.
A few days and nights spent without you will get his heart aching for your love and he is sure to return back to you on folded knees and repentant lips.