Health Makes More Healthy


Show Caves of the Southeast, A Lake Can Make a Difference

Cherokee Caverns in Tennessee is a small neglected show cave that I visited in the 1970s on a service call to the Oak Ridge Labs. The tour of the water filled nuclear reactor was more exciting than the cave tour….

Easy Soap Making – Your Guide For Making Soap With Ease!

Easy soap making can often seem impossible. Many recipes require processes that include caustic lye and hours of stirring in addition to waiting for the soap to cure for nearly six weeks. When trying to find easy soap making recipes,…

3 Must Try Fresh Salads For A Healthy Meal

A green salad is a perfect go-to meal when you’re in the mood for something in between – a meal that’s not too light but not too heavy either. It is easy to prepare and you can choose what dressing…

Healthy, Nutritious And Delicious Recipes For Your Toddler

As a parent, our focus always remains that our kid should eat healthy food. On the contrary, kids are known to be picky eaters and making them eat something healthy is a difficult task at times. We constantly look for…

Spumoni – Part 3 – A Delicious Easy Recipe

Well, I’m sure by now you’ve decided that, while spumoni might well be a delicious Italian Dessert, it’s WAY too much work. I wanted to provide a reasonably authentic recipe for this delicious dessert for those who wanted to hone…

Did You Know That OSHA Requires a Compressed Air Safety Shut-Off Valve?

The OSHA Safety Standard Regulation 29CFR CHXVII Paragraph 1926.302(b)(7) states: All hoses exceeding 1/2-inch inside diameter shall have a safety device at the source of supply or branch line to reduce pressure in case of hose failure. Prevent dangerous air…

Restaurant Data – Bad Body Language

A recently conducted survey concluded that your actions speak louder than your words, which indicates the importance of body language in the process of communication. Food and Beverage is a service related sector and hence communication plays a very important…

Aluminum Foil Steam Table Pans – The Complete Consumer Guide

Aluminum foil pans are the most versatile disposable food containers produced today. Steam table foil pans are cost-effective, practical, and intended for one-time use. They are designed to withstand extreme temperature ranges, from below freezing to broiler oven temperatures. For…

Dining Out on Dine in the Dark

“Do you think you will able to dine out on this experience with your friends in Brisbane?” I asked Jane who was visiting from Australia. She sat next to me, but I couldn’t see her as the room was pitch…

How to Make Homemade Wine: Don’t Miss These Wine Making Tips

If you love wine, you’ve probably had thoughts of learning how to make homemade wine!Many of us remember our parents making wine and perhaps for some it wasn’t such a fond memory, especially when as a kid you weren’t old…