Health Makes More Healthy

health insurance

Health Insurance Solutions Part III

As consumers it is our responsibility to become proactive and find the right solution to a health plan that will be beneficial for yourself, family and finances. The Affordable Care Act law needs the necessary changes to make health insurance…

How to Get Cheap Health Insurance Plan?

The United States Government has been presenting several schemes and plans to help the American residents enjoy health insurance benefits to the fullest. “Obamacare” is one such scheme that provides health insurance facilities for both the high-income and low-income groups…

Five Tips for Choosing the Right Health Insurance Plan

One of the best ways of safeguarding your personal well-being is by having a health insurance plan. Due to the large number of companies that offer this type of insurance policy, choosing the right one can be a daunting task….

Navigating Through Tough American Economic and National Health Care, Health Insurance Reform Issues

For Practicing Agency Brokers, Trusted Insurance Advisers, And Financial Planning Consultants….From time to time, there is a need for guidance in Financial Services Practice; now is definitely one of those times. There are two distinct issues working in tandem which…

Group Health Insurance Quote Tips

Group Health Insurance is necessary to attract and keep good employees. While employers may not like the cost of group health, they should be aware of the benefits to the company and overall morale. There may be things you as…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Point-of-Service Health Plans

Point-of-Service (POS) plans are one of the many health insurance options available to you and your family. A unique type of health plan, POS plans can be considered a hybrid of HMO and PPO plans. POS plans contain some characteristics…

Comparing Health Insurance Plans Before Choosing Health Insurance

Comparing health insurance plans is a very important aspect of the due diligence which should be undertaken prior to choosing health insurance. In comparing plans close attention should be paid to the differences and the similarities between the plans, and…

Why Your Pet Needs Health Insurance

The question is really one of being prepared for the worst. You need pet health insurance and hope that you will never have to use it. To have pet health insurance and not need it is so much better than…

Small Business Health Insurance Basics In Texas

Finding the right group health plan for your business can be downright intimidating: sorting through lists of insurance companies and plans; checking and re-checking the dollars and totals for deductibles and co-pays; making sense of plan limitations and exclusions; deciphering…

Small Business Health Insurance – The Best Policy Is A Great Agent

I have been a health insurance broker for over a decade and every day I read more and more “horror” stories that are posted on the Internet regarding health insurance companies not paying claims, refusing to cover specific illnesses and…